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Christmas all age service - Opening Prayer PPT Slide
Christmas all age service - Opening Prayer PPT Slide
by Richard Steel
A short gathering prayer for use at a Christmas morning service. Dear Jesus We thank you for coming to earth as a tiny baby. We thank you for coming to earth as the light of the world. We come now... Also available in PDF - Click Here
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - The Second Sunday of Christmas Year B
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - The Second Sunday of Christmas Year B
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Gazing on the Gospel - Year B The Second Sunday of Christmas John 1.(1-9,) 10-18 Gaze on an illuminated manuscript. See how the page is full of gold leaf, which lights up the word. When an idea is illuminated for us, it confers vision far greater than sight, as Jesus does of God.
Such Love
Such Love
by Kath Wiles
Poem about the values of Love from the manger to the cross, and what a better place this world would be if we had more of it. In the miracle of a babe, new-born, The dew on a blood-red rose at dawn; In the wonder of a star-lit night, The gracefulness of a bird in flight; In the m
Christmas - Shepherds
Christmas - Shepherds
by Alison Walker
Christmas - 4 (or 3) shepherds are surprised by an angel (a voice-over). Can include the suggested sound & visual effects, sound is readily available track from The Messiah. Script was written with year 6/7 actors in mind, plus adult voice over. Music over: from Messiah “And the
Christmas - Joseph